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We are Re:cognition

We are a public sector consultancy with years of expertise in community engagement, PR, lobbying and policy development. 

From the Welsh Government Organ Donation legislation to reaching out to communities on Relationship and Sexuality Education, we have been trusted to lead countless projects on behalf of our clients. 

We are trusted because we deliver. We deliver because we are truly proud of what we do.




After years of working across the public and private sector, we decided it was time to pool our expertise and set up Re:cognition. And for years now, we have been the trusted partner of governments, businesses and community organisations right across the UK.

We have a sincere passion for serving our communities, particularly those that have long been underrepresented. It's why we founded our company and since then it's only gone from strength to strength.

Lu Thomas

Lu worked within the public sector for almost 12 years, in organisations including the Welsh Government, the NHS, the Third Sector and the Home Office. The vast majority of this work has concentrated on equality policy issues, from campaigning through to policy formation.

Jon Luxton

Jon’s career has given him rich experiences in many areas of life. In addition to his entrepreneurial activities, Jon has created and supported organisations working in the voluntary sector and has extensive experience of working with Government bodies.



From Wales-wide consultation projects to policy and public affairs, we can tailor our work entirely around you and your organisation.


Re:cognition has a long and experienced history of working with various community groups across Wales, particularly those from often underrepresented parts of society.

All of our past work has involved working closely with community groups on behalf of other organisations, from Welsh Government to local government and businesses across the region, Re:cognition has excellent working relationships with various community groups.  

We begin from the desired learning and development objectives and find the best ways to engage people with the process, using our toolkit of approaches.


Whether you need to engage with faith groups, political action groups or hard-to-reach communities, Re:cognition is here to help. 


This is our 'bread-and-butter'. Our past experience and connections across the political spectrum gives us a unique ability to achieve your specific needs. 

Re:cognition has a wealth of experience and knowledge in developing positive campaigns that are able to reach out across all communities. We work closely with all levels of Government and have strong working relationships with key decision makers. 

Whether you want to influence legislative change, meet with Ministers or develop a campaign, Re:cognition are here to help achieve your ambitions. 

Whether it's at a local, national or international issue, Re:cognition have the experience and knowledge to make change happen. 



Re:cognition offers a number of different training courses to ensure you and your organisation are best equipped for the future.


Our trainers are highly experienced specialists, not only in the subject area of the work but also in how to facilitate learning and development. 


Our ‘people skills’ are essential: a warm, open style; the ability to create a safe learning environment; the gift of building rapport and communicating with an individual or a room full of people. 

Re:cognition's workshops are legendary. With our unique flair, knowledge and experience we can work through any issue you need solving. 

We can take all your cares away by ensuring the issues, topics and goals are achieved through careful and considered workshop sessions. 



Here are some of the organisations that have put their faith in us.




Re:cognition has worked on a number of successful projects since its inception. We've worked with organisations across the public, private and third sector in Wales so we thought we'd highlight some of our proudest projects below:

Organ Donation



This piece of work was truly historic.


Re:cognition was commissioned by Welsh Government to carry out the public engagement consultation on their transformative changes to Organ Donation in Wales. 


Our knowledge, understanding and expertise in this area were required to ensure all sections of Welsh society had a voice in the proposed changes the Government wanted to make. We carried out one of the largest engagement processes with a variety of different religious groups, equality organisations, community groups, hard-to-reach and seldom heard communities.

Relationship and


Education Consultation

Holding Hands

This piece of work is monumental for Wales' progression on the world stage. 


Re:cognition is working closely with Welsh Government to carry out the public engagement process for their proposed curriculum reform on Relationship and Sexuality Education. 


Giving every child in Wales the tools to equip them for the wider world is an important and instrumental step forward. 


Re:cognition’s expertise in the area of public policy formation and consultation has proved vitally important to ensuring all communities across Wales are an integral part of shaping this positive policy change for our society.

Cardiff Council

Training Programme


Re:cognition is part of Cardiff Council's Employee Support and Job Skills Framework. 


We deliver a number of training programmes ensuring Council staff have the tools they need to succeed and achieve for the people they serve.


Re:cognition has delivered courses such as the 'Train the Trainers' course, Equality and Diversity Awareness courses and Dignity at Work training. 


Our training courses are informative, interactive and engaging. 

Children and Young People Consultations


One of our proudest achievements was working with Welsh Government to help achieve their implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and its impact on legislation going forward.


Working with a number of groups across Wales we carried out a pan-Wales consultation exercise with the aim to organise and facilitate a series of workshops where children and young people could engage positively with the process.


We worked to ensure children and young people could review and feedback on the Government’s draft Children’s Scheme consultation document, express their opinions on what should be in the Children’s Scheme, and what they consider the most important things are. 


The experience was genuinely rewarding and inspirational, children in Wales truly are incredibly intuitive and well informed.

Social Services Bill 



Re:cognition's ability to engage with various sections of society in Wales is truly unique. 


Following our successful engagement with children and young people on the Welsh Government's historic step to place the UNCRC (United Nation's Convention on the Rights of the Child) at the core of all its work, Re:cognition was further commissioned to consult with various groups of children across Wales to understand the impacts of the Social Services Bill whilst being taken through the Welsh Assembly. 


On behalf of Welsh Government, we have run consultations with disabled children, looked after children and young carers.


From consulting with children and young people, Local Government, Welsh Government and hard to reach communities,

Re:cognition are here to help.




Jon Luxton 

029 (20) 318095


Lu Thomas

029 (20) 318095

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